Tuesday 17 September 2024

2nd half of Jul


Stepped out of LifeLong Academy for a breather (actually to buy coffee also). 
Saw a very talented musician.  Felt sad for him, he shouldn't be on the street, he deserved a stage.

I was probably eating his salary away.  We had cheap food for dinner.  Ban mian for me, claypot bak kut teh for him.  Tasted not bad though the environment was dirty and miserable.
I had to eat quickly and leave ASAP.



Popping into Tampines One.  Another day of "sustainable" dinner.  Yummy braised duck meal.



It was always good to eat at home, though I dreaded the washing very much.
Egg toast kiap ham and cheese.  I had to finish the sakura latte bought from Japan before it expired.



This date it's a long entry with lots of photos.

It's a Saturday wee morning.  Going into JB with PapaVoo's kakis.
They had arranged a mini bus pick up.

First stop was this place called Green Valley damned far away from the custom.  We had very good nasi lemak buffet for brunch here.
Sedap sia.

Lovely people.

This place had a lot of potential and should be earning big bucks.
Seawater was pumped in, I had to say this was the best thing the owner did, it's beautiful.

The chickens were so fat that their feet couldn't really be seen, so visually they were "rolling" about, soooooooo CUTE, couldn't deal... too cute liao.

Fat fat!!

After finally managed to move my eyes from fat-ness, saw tortoises.

They had capsule accommodations here.

Then we were brought to see more chickens.
They should had put more effort to clean up the place, while the chickens didn't mind the condition, the rabbits weren't too well with all the sand and dust.

Egg incubator.

Palm size chickens, adult already, just super mini in nature.  Named 芦丁鸡.

It's egg looked very much like quail's egg.

Roosters with their crown glories.
So smart looking right!

Pretty birds, or do they belong to the chicken family?

Watching the ducks was therapeutic.

Aiyo, I filter until so ugly...

The place was so big that some areas were neglected.

Next we drove another 10mins to a private planation which belonged to the Green Valley's boss also.
The prettiest rambutan I ever seen, gotten a bunch straight from the tree.

Looked carefully at the lower part of pic and spot the mouse trap on the durian tree.

Durian trees were so tall.

Unknown fruit tree.

We then had a mini durian buffet.  It was at this point PapaVoo stomach started to churn.  He loved durian but took only 2 bites.  After that he puked everything and was pale green throughout the trip, he so poor thing de.

After that was another long drive to KSL Mall.  And oh it changed so much.  With more crowd now with more massage salons but kinda cramp and messy all over the place.
We didn't have much time here, went for a foot massage, like ASAP after getting off the bus lolxx...

Their service and price menu on the wall, blind also can see de.

Outside KSL, stalls all over, messy yet we like it.

Next stop we went 北京楼 (烈光镇) for dinner.

It was the boss's treat but we gave him an ang bao.  We hardly knew him, not nice to sponge on people.

The restaurant had live seafood.  I would say it's very atas for Malaysia.

We were served mooncakes to sample.  Too early for the festive else we would like to buy some back.
Singapore's mooncake made of gold, only the rich can afford lolxx...

The boss was very generous.  Abalone with crispy fish skin salad.
Yummy atas salad, so special!
PapaVoo 没有口福。

Big prawns.

Win liao, suckling pig.  For non-chinese readers, this dish is only serve during celebrations like new year, wedding or seniors' birthday.  So this was my fav, couldn't contain my cool when I saw this.

Deep fried flying fish.

Some veg + mushroom + tofu.

Braised pork buns.  Nice plating really makes a difference.

又吃又打包, we were given coffee to bring back.

After dinner, everybody was busy talking, distributing a lot of pre-ordered items, while I detached myself to look at the sky.
Turned a deaf and eye to the surrounding chaos, the sky was so beautiful but ignored by people.

It wasn't a bad trip, but I still prefer solo or with family.



Paper wrap herbal chicken bought from JB, with unbeatable price and really yummy, from another outlet of 北京楼.



Day at home.



Another day at home with anyhow stir fried pad thai.  The sauce was really good, turning anyone into a chef heehee...

PapaVoo had lots of freebies from Jack Neo's 趴趴走.  Stressed me out most of the time as I didn't know what to do with the items.  But once in a while, got real goodies.

Messy hobby room, but this was the best I could clean it.  Luis mess it up faster than I could clean it most of the time.



Drama binge made ironing more bearable.

Sending Luis back to camp, before that we ate at steamboat in Jurong Point.
Not bad but I still prefer HDL.

Otw to camp, the empty road was my favourite during the journey.



I really didn't like the class, just wanted to get done with it and never come back.

This fellow at my table, sings.... sings out loud.  I was so done with all these ppl.  Then his friend whom sat beside him was another weird one.  She turned her head away from the mic when the lecturer asked her a question, the lecturer was stunned lolxx...  Really stupid behaviour (I am sorry) as an old age adult.

It was freezing but the good thing was my Dubai shawl got to see day light, else I didn't know when I could use it... (ignore fat face pls).

6 main characters in workplace, excluding idiots lolxx...

PapaVoo came to pick me up, we had dinner at PLQ's food court, Pepper Lunch was good, just that we had to clear the tray ourselves.
Tray stations were mostly gross.  Not sure how to deal with this through my working days cos I couldn't afford to eat in cafes/restaurants all the time...  I am finally working in Sep btw heehee...



After class (no more liao), dinner at Aston.

Happy to eat in a nice environment.

I was pretty sick of Paya Lebar after 3 courses of 6 day lessons with FirstCom haahaahaa....

2nd half of Jul

 16/07/2024 Stepped out of LifeLong Academy for a breather (actually to buy coffee also).  Saw a very talented musician.  Felt sad for him, ...