Monday 27 May 2024

1st half of Feb 2024


Solo brunch of cod fish + broccoli + porridge.



Always at the airport even if not travelling.  Was meeting Ber for dinner.

As I am doing this update, I haven't seen her for sometime already, she didn't contact me, is it time to let her go already?  T__T  I love her so much, god please watch after her, her kindness deserve nothing but the best in her life....  Ber, please be happy.

The Chinatown dragon was a laughing stock, but here was one little decent looking dragon.

CNY decor quite nice.

We had dinner here, Kantin located at the garden area.

Coffee was nice but it was more than S$10, slit throat de...

Dried laksa.

Bamboo chicken set.

Grilled sotong.
All yummy, bill was over S$100 for 2 pax though.

She bought me a Xmas tree soap, drink sleeve and other stuffs.



With one order, I was done with CNY, literally the laziest housewife in the universe heehee...

Came with chopsticks as free gift.



Solo brunch of salmon + miso cabbage soup.



At MBS going for a paid briefing before job start.
Was going to at River AngBao event in Gardens By The Bay.

Was looking forward to get paid and plan for travels.
Selfie while taking buggy ride.

Got to see the decors before anybody else.

The MBS which tourists die for.

Actually, was the first time to see floating giant baby despite of numerous visits.

Hope to be able take pic of the night view.

Good luck to those doing the setup.

Happy to be S$60 richer at the end of the day.

Peeping into Flora Fantasy.

Nearer forgotten to take pics of these fierce evil looking dragons.
Why was it so difficult to design an auspicious dragon??

Brought old man here for dinner.  Previous had lunch here with Ber, thought it would be nice for him to try too.

Reached home, went to see my neighbour's dragon he put outside his unit.
Not sure how he secured it, very smart.



Happy, was going for free movies at Paya Lebar.
Given by 趴趴走。

After collecting the tix went for dinner at Green Dot.

Director Jack New and the actors made appearance to thank audience.



CNY eve dinner at Novena.
Finally able to look swee swee.

Not cheap but all packed.

Fish maw wonton soup.

Beijin duck with lots of meat lolxx...

Steamed soon hock.

Some veg with abalone.

Lobster noodles.
Not too bad but maybe we could do a week earlier for cheaper deals and avoid clashing with the crowd.
They gave us a small packet of rice and a big loaf of rice cake (年糕).



First day of CNY.  Motive MBS drone show.

Stopped by Suntec Fountain.  First time looking at the feng shui fountain from here, great view actually.

Went for the drone show, no photos cos it was a nightmare.  Barely a few minutes after the show started, it rained.  But it was so crowded that we were drenched.  People were screaming, children were crying, there were pushing.  Doors were shut nobody could get into MBS for shelter.  I put my arms in front of me in case the crowd crushed my lungs.  I was so scared a stampede might happen.

There's very very little news about this scary incident, heard that crowd control was better after that.  After this I had fever for 2 days.

Dragged myself back to Suntec City, had simple late dinner in a quiet restaurant.

Seabass risotto.



Haiz... probably due to rain, but hubby said I was scared to death, 吓破胆,thus the fever.



Fever but didn't stop me from steamboat.

Walked pass and had a pleasant surprise that Eat 3 Bowls gonna open in Century Sq!!!  Super good news to us!  Absolutely love it.   But for those who prefers Singapore style non-oily version 卤肉饭, don't need to try this, it's very authentic.



First day at work, was still able to smile.

All quiet before the crowd came in.

My job was to guard this gate lolxx...  Thank god for the cloudy sky, although I still gotten many shades darker, but it could be worst.

Light displays of River Ang Bao at Gardens By The Bay (if you are a overseas reader)

My friend.
Chinese zodiac forecast which I always like to read but never takes them seriously.
Had this view for the next 3 days.

Dinner was provided, not the best but was able to get by.  I was very clever to have HDL before start work right!  Heehee...
3 small pieces of sotong + green veg + bite size omelette + small potato patty + large portion of rice.

Some colleagues had BBQ wings and they were so kind to give me one, I hardly know them.

My son Darren came to earn $50 bucks by following POSB mascot for a few hours.

Proper public toilet was far away.  Walked pass Flora Fantasy.

MBS looked like magic at night.



2nd day of work, a bit tired but not too bad.

Trying to distract myself with beautiful things.

Dinner:  ikan bilis + veg + 2 small pcs of non-spicy chilli chicken, not satisfying but made do.

I wouldn't step into GBB for the rest of 2024 I guess lolxx...

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