Thursday 6 August 2020

It's a day with western meals

 Date: 03/08/2020 (Mon)

Brunch.  I think it's probably our first time DIY-ing pizza.  Luis's deadpan face lolxx...

The pizza base, tomato paste and cheese bought from SHC.  It's never bored buying from them, I think they have a million items in their list.  You probably never look into new things and play it safe in supermarkets, but in SHC, with the host's introduction and demo, I find myself trying new things.  It's not possible to cook until sian and it has been more than 3 months already.

The end result was quite good except that I don't know where the oil comes from.  Maybe from the pepperoni??


Air fry chicken is probably the fastest.  10mins on each side and I am done with boneless chick legs in ang mo style.  I realised that keeping the whole piece will prevent the meat from drying out.

Beef tongue here, I added in too much butter but it was still good.  We had aglio olio for carbo, I am improving the taste already.

PapaVoo and I had escargot, yummy, it had been so long....

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